It’s a Wrap! Delighted and sparklling at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.

The Tresor Paris team had the time of their lives at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. With the logo emblazoned on the seafront Carlton Hotel, and with the Tresor Paris name in lights at Torch, the city’s hottest beach club, the jewellery firm’s glittering presence was hard to ignore! So hold on to your sunhats, this is a low down of what the team got up to over the two weeks!

Tresor Paris were everywhere: Partying with the lovely DJ Mark Ronson before playing a set at the Torch Beach Club, close friend Paris Hilton was also in attendance and absolutely adored the white crystal frosted stainless steel bracelet that was gifted to her.

Cannas Film Festival
Riding the waves in a luxury yacht, Tresor Paris met Nancy Del’ollio and Stacey Jackson at the charity boating event in aid of Teens Unite Fighting Cancer.

The pair were utterly charming, and delighted to add a little bit of sparkle to proceedings with two bracelets from our ever popular Neptune collection!

Film star James Franco said he loved the sleek black agate and micro pavé crystal bracelet after a Q&A session about his upcoming films. As did Ray Panthaki, who was also in Cannes promoting his upcoming film ‘Convenience’.

Michael Jackson’s father Joe Jackson was in attendance for a family friend’s charity event. Richie Neilson’s foundation provided the perfect opportunity to gift the King of Pop’s father with a Tresor Paris bracelet! Finally, at the Torch Beach Club, pop star Cassie performed on stage wearing two of our Neptune collection bracelets, where earlier Tresor Paris fans Made In Chelsea stars Spencer and Lucy had lunched.

 Sun-drenched, exhausted, but with a warm glittering feeling inside, the team at Tresor Paris HQ are planning on sleeping for a week, and dreaming of crystal-coated celebrities!